100+ Funny Photos Taken At Unusual Angle [Humour,Funny,Creative,excellent]


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes this ain’t exactly right. Distance overlapping, positions, and timing can sometimes create a brand new perspective of a photo. This weekend, we want to show you 100+ Funny Photos Taken At Unusual Angle, a compilation of photos taken at the exact right timing and angle, thus creating a humor side of the story; intentionally or unintentionally.

(Image source: Matt Stuart)

Full list after jump.

Magazines, Books And Album Covers


The Sunset

When Angle Isn’t Exactly Right

(Image source: Matt Stuart)

(Image source: Matt Stuart)


(Image source: Matt Stuart)

Fan Art

(Image source: Matt Stuart)

Creative Perspective


(Image source: Matt Stuart)


Photos and images on this post are taken from the following sources:


1 comment:

  1. [...] 100+ Funny Photos Taken At Unusual Angle [Humour,Funny,Creative,excellent](padamnidhi.wordpress.com) [...]
