Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office.I am going to post twenty things you might not know about Barack Obama.
- He is left-handed – the sixth post-war president to be left-handed
- He worked in a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop as a teenager and now can't stand ice cream
- He ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper while living in Indonesia
- While on the campaign trail he refused to watch CNN and had sports channels on instead
- He promised Michelle he would quit smoking before running for president – he didn't
- He kept a pet ape called Tata while in Indonesia
- He was known as Barry until university when he asked to be addressed by his full name
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"](Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
- His desk in his Senate office once belonged to Robert Kennedy
- He carries a tiny Madonna and child statue and a bracelet belonging to a soldier in Iraq for good luck
- He applied to appear in a black pin-up calendar while at Harvard but was rejected by the all-female committee.
- He took Michelle to see the Spike Lee film Do The Right Thing on their first date
- He doesn't drink coffee and rarely drinks alcohol
- He would have liked to have been an architect if he were not a politician
- As a teenager he took drugs including marijuana and cocaine
- He hates the youth trend for trousers which sag beneath the backside
- He repaid his student loan only four years ago after signing his book deal
- He says his worst habit is constantly checking his BlackBerry
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]Ford Escape PHEV photographed in New York City, USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
- He uses an Apple Mac laptop
- He drives a Ford Escape Hybrid, having ditched his gas-guzzling Chrysler 300
- He wears $1,500 (£952) Hart Schaffner Marx suits
- He owns four identical pairs of black size 11 shoes
- He has his hair cut once a week by his Chicago barber, Zariff, who charges $21 (£13)
- He was given the code name "Renegade" by his Secret Service handlers He was nicknamed "Bar" by his late grandmother
- He plans to install a basketball court in the White House grounds
- He has said many of his friends in Indonesia were "street urchins" He keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, a Kenyan symbol of the fragility of life
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