Indian independence day speech and Tips to prepare

Well this post is dedicated to people who want to give speech on India's most remember-able  independence day .If you are proudly celebrating this day, then might need to know something about India.So reading this post not only gives speech but also you get knowledge about Indian independence day.

Short speech on independence day for kids?

Respected teachers and my friends,I wish you a happy independence day.
INDEPENDANCE DAY means a day when we had got freedom from not only our brute rulers but freedom from want from fulfillment of right needs...

India was under the British rule for 3-4 centuries. It was in 1857 India started it's independence struggle forcefully through a revolt named "The Great Revolt" against the British.

Mahatma Gandhi was the spine and brain behind the Indian independence struggle and finally her Independence. "Non-violence" or "Ahimsa" against the cannons and rifles of the so called "MIGHTY" British. His words of wisdom were followed by almost every Indian of that age to follow non-violence and struggle with perseverance and the British finally manumitted India from it's bondage. India's independence struggle is a huge epic on it's own. "NON_VIOLENCE" was the weapon used to free India. That's why India even today doesn't want resort to force or war unless there is some menace to the security/integrity of Indian unity.
India gained independence after nearly 200 years of British rule on 15 August 1947 and Indian tricolor flag was unfurled by Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, on the ramparts the Red Fort of Delhi Proud to be an Indian. Thank You One and all. Jai Hindh.............



Independence Day Speech For Teachers,Professor

The day when India woke up to freedom back in 1947 was a day of great celebration. A country got rid of her foreign yoke and became a sovereign nation, she celebrated her sovereignty on this day – the triumph of numerous martyred souls. It was a day of fulfillment, it was the day of a new beginning, a birth of a nation.On the stroke of midnight, a country came into life again as the british handed over the governance of India to the Indian leaders.The long and difficult struggle had borne fruit at last, though the happiness was marred by the fact that the country was divided into India and Pakistan and the violent communal riots had left the countries permanently scarred. With an all time high annual plan allocation of rupees 5500 crore for the current year, rupees 1200 crore under the Prime Minister’s Reconstruction Plan and access to Centrally Sponsored Schemes valuing about rupees 1900 crore, a most exciting opportunity has become available for the State Government to propel the State to a much higher growth trajectory. More than 60 years of independence is an occasion for retrospection, assessing our achievements, and failures,& formulating corrective action to reach the cherished goal of a poverty free India,and fulfilling the aspirations of the nation, as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution
We should pay homage and express gratitude to the millions of men and women, who participated in the freedom movement under the inspiring leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji emphasised the need to observe human values in conducting the the affairs of the country so that we have a just and equitable society,, where poverty , illiteracy, and superstition, would be eradicates.
But during the last 60 years we have strayed from the Gandhian philosophy and his path of development Corruption , bribery, voilence and disrespect to moral values are all pervasive..
We have to formulate action, Where mdo we begin?Democracy depends upon the quality of the elected representatives, So we have to strive for good quality people are elected to our Parliament.

Thankyou! Jai Hind.

Independence Day Speech For Others

An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation’s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries honour their respective independence day as a national holiday and some countries or nations’ independence-date honours are contested.

“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we will redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance…. We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again.”

On 15 August 1947, India attained freedom from the British Rule. Every year, August 15 is celebrated as the Independence

More than 60 years of independence is an occasion for retrospection, assessing our achievements, and failures,& formulating corrective action to reach the cherished goal of a poverty free India,and fulfilling the aspirations of the nation, as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution
We should pay homage and express gratitude to the millions of men and women, who participated in the freedom movement under the inspiring leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji emphasised the need to observe human values in conducting the the affairs of the country so that we have a just and equitable society,, where poverty , illiteracy, and superstition, would be eradicates.
But during the last 60 years we have strayed from the Gandhian philosophy and his path of development Corruption , bribery, voilence and disrespect to moral values are all pervasive..
We have to formulate action, Where mdo we begin?Democracy depends upon the quality of the elected representatives, So we have to strive for good quality people are elected to our Parliament

Thankyou! Jai Hind.


======SPEECH DELIVERY TIPS==================

***Make sure that your appearance is well presented

***Speak clearly, and adjust your voice so that everyone can hear you.

***Don't shout for the sake of being loud
It is common to speak rapidly when nervous, try to take your time speaking

***Effectively used, a pause in your speech can be used to emphasize a point, or to allow the audience to react to a fact, anecdote or joke

***Make eye contact with your audience. This helps to build trust and a relationship between the speaker and the listeners

***Do not fidget or make other nervous gestures with your hands

***Do not keep your hands in your pockets

***Do use hand gestures effectively

***Be yourself, allow your own personality to shine in your speech



Reading and re-reading the speech.
Recording the speech on mp3 and listening to it while mobile.
Recounting the speech from memory.


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